media ramblings

heres where i'll give my thoughts on media i liek


oh wow hi i just noticed a fun detail about ginger snaps (2000)

brigitte and ginger are on a playground when ginger gets her period and is subsequently attacked by the werewolf. throughout, the werewolf and the lycanthropic virus serves as a metaphor for puberty in ginger (e.g. she's growing hair in places she didn't before, boys are noticing her & vice versa, she's gaining sexual urges, etc etc). a playground, being a place where children play is an obvious representation of innocence, which ginger is snatched from as she is taken away by the werewolf and mauled in the forest. brigitte remains on the playground, as she does not experience menstruation and the eventual werewolf transformation until the second film (ginger snaps 2: unleashed). this is really excellent story telling god i love ginger snaps (which i feel could also be interpreted as a trans story if you like squint your eyes a little)

tldr; playground metaphor for innocence werewolf metaphor for puberty and "becoming a woman" quote unquote raaaararaahh
